Each kit includes everything needed to feng shui a room. This includes the element needed, colors, statues, ready to hang images, candles, plants, smudges, crystals and more.
Compassion/Travel/Helpful People feng shui kit box
The Helpful People & Travel area in Feng Shui is where you want objects that represent helpful beings, such as gods, angels, and spirits. These helpful beings may even include your ancestors or close friends who have passed away, if you think their spirit would be willing to help you in life.
Each kit includes everything needed to feng shui a room. This includes the element needed, colors, statues, ready to hang images, candles, plants, smudges, crystals and more.
Creativity/Children/Legacy feng shui kit box
Creativity and Children gua is associated with anything you create or birth into the world, whether done by yourself
Each kit includes everything needed to feng shui a room. This includes the element needed, colors, statues, ready to hang images, candles, plants, smudges, crystals and more.
Fame/Future/Reputation feng shui kit box
You should be recognized (fame) for your work and to get full credit (reputation) for the work you did. This corner is the far back middle corner of your space. Be it for work, school, a relationship or with your family, this is the area to enhance to get the full recognition you deserve and want.
Each kit includes everything needed to feng shui a room. This includes the element needed, colors, statues, ready to hang images, candles, plants, smudges, crystals and more.
Family/Health/Community feng shui kit box
Health and Family gua is associated with our family, both blood relatives and close friends, especially our elders
Each kit includes everything needed to feng shui a room. This includes the element needed, colors, statues, ready to hang images, candles, plants, smudges, crystals and more.
Knowledge/Wisdom/Harmony feng shui kit box
Each kit includes everything needed to feng shui a room. This includes the element needed, colors, statues, ready to hang images, candles, plants, smudges, crystals and more.
Love/Relationships/Marriage feng shui kit box
Your feng shui relationship corner should be full of love and happy memories, especially if you'd like to work on your relationships
Each kit includes everything needed to feng shui a room. This includes the element needed, colors, statues, ready to hang images, candles, plants, smudges, crystals and more.
Power/Wealth/Abundance feng shui kit box
'The Feng Shui wealth corner, also known as the "wealth and prosperity" area, is one of the most important aspects of feng shui for attracting wealth and abundance into your life,'
Each kit includes everything needed to feng shui a room. This includes the element needed, colors, statues, ready to hang images, candles, plants, smudges, crystals and more.
remove bad energies and bless kit box
contains everything you need with directions and contact information for any questions or more help needed. namaste
Self/Career/Work feng shui kit box
you can move yourself to the front of the promotion line, earn more money, gain respect and recognition
Each kit includes everything needed to feng shui a room. This includes the element needed, colors, statues, ready to hang images, candles, plants, smudges, crystals and more.
Well-Being/Balance feng shui kit box
promotes balance
Each kit includes everything needed to feng shui a room. This includes the element needed, colors, statues, ready to hang images, candles, plants, smudges, crystals and more.