Bholi Sage smudge stick
Obtained from Fallen Trees and Not from Trees That Have Been Purposefully Chopped Down. Gets Rid of Negative Energy and Purify Spaces, People and Objects.
Chakra Smudge
This smudging herb is used for spiritual cleansing and protection. Use this in your Chakra Clearing Ceremonies or healing sessions. Balance the energy in and around your home as well as your auric field.
Cinnamon smudge
protection, luck, love, healing, prosperity, spiritual awareness, and aiding psychic powers.
Good Vibes
invite happiness and joy into your home, while removing negative energy that may be weighing you down, and lifting away worries and woes.
Lavender smudge
Smudging lavender brings positive energy, helps open the heart chakra, it aids in releasing fear while calming the mind, helping to protect the spirit.
Love & Joy Floral Sage
California white sage, cedar, yerba santa, lavender blossoms, lavender leaves, rose petals, hemp cord
Sinuata smudge
Purple sinuata cleanses and invokes the energies of enchantment, charm, and grace. White sage is both antimicrobial and antibacterial